© Christiane Pausch

The right father (Der richtige Vater)

3rd part of the ZDF Heart Cinema series “Next Exit Happyness”
(“Nächste Ausfahrt Glück”)

TV movie, 88 min, Eisenach, Berlin, first broadcast Sunday, 13 March 2021, 8.15 p.m.

Juri’s return has not only turned Katharina’s feelings and her everyday life upside down. When Juri also makes contact with her son Paul, she suspects the danger this poses to her marriage and family life. In fact, Juri finds out about the best-kept secret and Katharina has no choice but to tell Georg that Paul is not his biological son. While Georg had always suspected it, but didn’t want to jeopardise their happiness together, Paul’s incomprehension about the lie is great. Katharina has to do everything she can to win back her son’s trust.

Valerie Niehaus, Dirk Borchardt, Ernst Stötzner, Max Hopp, Susanna Simon, Winnie Böwe, Ulrike Krumbiegel, Fabian Gerhardt, Sebastian Schneider, Malgorzata Mikolajczak, Runa Greiner, Malik Schwarz-Edlmann, Hendrik Heutmann

Directed by: Esther Gronenborn
Written by: Georg Weber
DOP: Yoliswa von Dallwitz
Music: Freya Arde
Producer: Christian Popp, Magdalena Frau