Letter to an angel (Brief an einen Engel)
Romance, 90 minutes, Sylt, Berlin, first run 12/2/2008, Sat.1
Journalist Sara Bronnen hasn’t been the same since her boyfriend’s death. Sara is about to be fired from her job when a bird carrying a letter flutters against Sara’s window. It’s a love letter from an anguished man who seems to have been abandoned by the woman he loves. Sara can’t get the heart-wrenching lines out of her head. In search of material for an article, she tracks down the man who wrote the letter, Georg, and finds herself traveling to the small North Sea island where he has been a hermit in a lighthouse since his girlfriend left him… by dying. With the help of Georg’s friend, the hotelier Bengt, Sara and the reclusive Georg begin to get closer together…
Marie Rönnebeck, Raphael Vogt, Caroline Korneli, Caroline Beil, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Oliver Korittke, Bürger Lars Dietrich
Executive Producers: Christian Popp, Sigi Kamml
Written by: Herbert Kugler, Tom Maier
Directed by: Jakob Schäuffelen
Camera: Peter Przybylski
Music: Thomas Klemm