Nächste Ausfahrt Glücl family visit
© Christiane Pausch

Family Visit (Familienbesuch)

5th part of the ZDF Heart Cinema series Next Exit Happyness (Nächste Ausfahrt Glück)
TV movie, 88 min, Eisenach, Berlin, first broadcast 19.2.2023, ZDF

Katharina and her first love Juri are secretly in a relationship again. But just as she is about to confess the truth to her husband Georg, their mutual son Paul appears at the door with his heavily pregnant bride Aya. Not only have Katharina and Juri missed the right moment to announce their reunion, with the arrival of Aya’s Ghanaian family, Willi’s unorthodox advice and the clashing cultures, the chaos is perfect.

Valerie Niehaus. Dirk Borchardt, Ernst Stötzner, Max Hopp, Susanna Simon, Winnie Böwe, Fabian Gerhardt, Ulrike Krumbiegel, Ruby Commey, Dayan Kodua, Michael Ojake, Prince Kuhlmann

directed by: Esther Gronenborn
written by: Caroline Hecht
Music: Freya Arde
DOP: Christoph Krauss
Producer: Christian Popp, Magdalena Frau